Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had an massive influence on the lives of the American people over her life-long career as a lawyer and judge. That impact included Wimberley resident Pam Williams.
Garden Club Meeting: Oak Wilt Update Join the Wimberley Garden Club to hear Karl Flocke from the Texas A &M Forest Service give the latest news and recommendations on Oak Wilt for our region at the club’s monthly meeting Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 10 a.m. in the EmilyAnn Theatre & Garden’s Meeting Room. Meetings are the second Wednesday 10 a.m. until noon. Check, for more upcoming programs.
Baptist Church of Driftwood
Announcements The Wimberley VFW Post 6441 hosts bingo on Friday nights. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with food concession.
The city of Woodcreek presented the inaugural “Spirit of Woodcreek” award to Rick Maldonado for helping to keep Woodcreek beautiful and friendly.
The 19th Annual Hunters Night Out is only a week away on Saturday October 22.
Flu season is underway, and health officials are urging Texans to get their vaccinations as soon as possible, since it takes about two weeks for the shot to take effect.
James and Shirley Miller
We live in a day when political candidates say what they think people want to hear during the campaign, but seen to forget their promises once they get in office. John Epley does not talk out of both sides of his mouth. If you ask his opinion, he will answer directly and honestly. While he has strong convictions on a given matter, he will listen to evidence to the contrary and is willing to alter or change his positions only when facts warrant reconsideration. This is exactly what we need in our political leaders. John Epley will be a welcome addition to our city council. I encourage you to join me in casting your vote for him.
The Rolling Oaks Music Festival raised around $4,500 going towards maintenance and support of the neighborhood’s park, community clubhouse and pool.
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Wimberley View