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Letters to the editor

Stop, Look, and Listen Before You Vote...but VOTE I would like to expand on what I wrote here last week about the two types of people who run for office, the “politicians” and the “public servants”. These are my observations about our current council meetings: First, one member speaks at great length, campaigning for her latest ideas about what the council needs to spend our tax dollars on. Just because someone is very busy and vocal does not mean that she speaks for the majority of residents. After a few thoughtful questions or objections from other council members, their input is ignored and she, along with the mayor and a few of his yes men, go right ahead and do whatever they wish. I see that committees work hard to advise the council, and their advice is often ignored as well. This controlling group is a majority on the council now, but they do not represent most of us. Do we want a council that does what they want or a council who listens to what we want?

Letters to the editor

Did you know that retired teachers, aides, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, school maintenance personnel and administrators have not gotten a cost of living increase for almost 20 years? Many of you are not aware that most retired teachers are not eligible to receive Social Security, and instead, a TRS pension is the primary source of income. The recent Social Security cost of living raises that helped many, do not include retired school personnel.

Letters to the editor

To my neighbors in Woodcreek: It is election time for our city, and I want to encourage my friends and neighbors to vote Hambrick, Bonniwell, and LeBrun. I am making this endorsement because I believe they will protect our City from the negative effects of short-term rentals in our residential neighborhoods. The Planning & Zoning Commission has given the current Council a solution that has been tested in other cities. Yet, six months later this Council has failed to act. I fear their decision will not be favorable to my neighbors and I. If you review recent agenda packets, you will see Council has adjourned to closeddoor executive session several times to discuss the issue of STR’s. Why? They owe us an open discussion and the opportunity to have input. Why is this Council not allowing citizens to participate in such a crucial decision?

Letters to the Editor

There are two kinds of people who run for city office. The first kind is the ‘politician’ type who has too much time on their hands, and sits around thinking of new projects for which they can take credit because they had a small part in getting the projects accomplished or just rubber stamping someone else’s ideas. Then they tout these ‘accomplishments’ to get reelected. Some of these projects may be the will of most of the citizens, but some of them may be just the will of a small but loud minority. These ‘politician’ types often run into trouble when trying to balance the budget of a small town.

Letters to the Editor

Dear Citizens of the City of Woodcreek, We three past mayors of this city, Eric Eskelund, Bill Scheel and Gloria Whitehead, offer with great enthusiasm this letter of support , urging you to Vote for BOB HAMBRICK for mayor.

Letters to the Editor

The following are Letters of Support submitted by readers and do not in any way express the opinions of The Wimberley View or its staff. The View accepts Letters of Support for local candidates or issues on the ballot in the upcoming November election. The deadline for these has been extended to Oct. 22. Letters are limited to 300 words. Letters can support more than one candidate but only one letter per person will be published. Letters of Support are intended to be a free avenue for readers to support candidates. Disparaging letters will not be run.


Wimberley View

P.O. Box 49
Wimberley, TX 78676
Phone: 512-847-2202
Fax: 512-847-9054