Is It Just Me?
— Susan Rigby, Guest Columnist
Join Wimberley humorist Susan Rigby as she attempts to navigate “the small stuff.”
Jim* was a 13-yearold boy out shopping with his mother. Bored to tears, he wrapped his arm snugly around her shoulders. Then he asked if they could leave soon. She turned her head to look at him. That is when he realized it was not his mother.
Sitting in the airport waiting for her flight, Linda was seated next to a man who started up a conversation with her. She responded and had a nice chat with him until she finally saw his ear buds and realized that he had been having a conversation with someone else on his phone.
Susan was giving a lively presentation to important people in her company. During an animated part of her speech, she waved her hand around to prove a point and her acrylic nail flew off and hit the CEO in his chest. Without missing a beat, she said, “I’d like that back when I’m done.” She kept her job.
Karen was standing in a long line, waiting to check out as her two children chattered beside her. Suddenly, her youngest asked, loud and clear, “ Mom, how much do you weigh?” Everyone in line turned to look at her, waiting for her answer. “Let’s check when we get home,” she quickly replied, as the people in line looked at her disappointedly.
Sharon had gone to the restroom on the plane and as she was walking back to her seat, she wondered why people were smiling at her. She smiled back sweetly, knowing she looked pretty good that day. Then she discovered a trail of toilet paper behind her. It had caught in her underwear.
Julie caught her pants in her seat belt getting out of her car before she entered the grocery store. It was very crowded and twice she had to slide right in front of the guy stocking the shelves. Her butt was directly in his face. She realized later that the entire seat of her pants was hanging like an old time pajama flap.
Many thanks to readers who were willing to share their embarrassing moments. It’s not just me!
*Names have been changed.