The Knights of Columbus 4th Degree from St. Mary Catholic Church held their Fourth Annual Emergency Responders Appreciation Luncheon last Thursday. The Knights served complimentary barbecue lunches to more than 115 emergency responders.
The luncheon is the Knights way of thanking the people who take care of the Wimberley Valley. The local Knights of Columbus partnered with award-winning barbecue chef Rebecca Cabel, of Jailhouse Cookers, and her husband Judge, and Knight, Andy Cable, to supply the delicious barbecue for the event. The Knights, with the help of Sonora Bank, provided coffee from Fair Dinkham. The Emergency Responders were also entertained by Marvin and Laura Bottera.

The event was a celebration of gratitude for the work area Emergency Responders do to provide Wimberley with a protected and safe community.