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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 7:25 PM

Spring is in the air

The first day of spring this year is March 20. But days are growing longer, and spring is already in the air. I’m itching to put on my garden gloves, get outside, tend my garden and perhaps plant something new. As our earth warms, and we for another season contend with drought, we’ll need to make wise choices about plant purchases and plant care.

Here are some suggestions that may be helpful. Plant native plants; they will be happy in your yard! Our local nurseries mark Texas natives to help you make the right selection. In Wimberley it is also important to make sure what you purchase is deer resistant. As a rule, deer do not like plants that are prickly, fuzzy or have a strong smell.

If you have a semiishady location that needs a spot of color, perhaps under a tree, consider Turk’s Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus) and Indio Spires (Salvia). You will enjoy a mix of red and blue blooms. Zexmenia (Wedelia texana), Fournerve daisy (Tetraneuris scapose) and Damianita (Chrysactinia mexicana) are beautiful yellow bloomers that are happy in a hot dry location. These plants are deer resistant, but there is no guarantee! Also remember, while these are low water use choices, they will need some supplemental water the first year or two. Four-nerve Daisy and Damianita are also evergreen.

Don’t forget to mulch! A mulch layer of an inch or two is just right. Pull the mulch away from the plants’ stems so rainwater can more easily find its way to the roots. Native plants are happy with the soil nature provides, so no soil amending is necessary.

So, if you’re eager to get outside and dig a hole, first become familiar with our local nurseries and look for plants marked as Texas natives. These plant friends, though in need of your help at first, will before long become a dependable no-care native garden bringing you and your neighbors pleasure and benefiting our bees, butterflies and birds.

by Becky Denton Hays County Master Naturalist


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