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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 7:01 PM

Reasons we want to live

You hear people say, when they are in a life-threatening situation, that they have various reasons for making it through their ordeal. Sometimes those reasons include being there for their kids, spouses or significant others, like their dogs and cats. That gives them the will-power to continue on. Having a good reason to live is a realistic goal.

A few years ago, I read that there was a woman trapped in a bank vault in Haiti for 52 hours. She was asked what kept her spirits up. She said “I knew my children would be mad at me if I died because my papers are disorganized and they wouldn’t be able to figure out anything.” I nodded my head in agreement as I read this. I want to be friends with this woman.

On my “to do” list is to get my files and home in order but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. I believe it is on my list after “live overseas for 2 years,” “hike the Appalachian trail” and “learn fluent Italian.” Maybe deep down I think that if I put off organizing my “stuff” I’ll live longer. I’m not sure my children feel the same way, and it may be unrealistic, but so far, it’s working.

Along with that logic, I can’t have anyone clean my house because it is too messy. I can’t get my car detailed because it is too dirty. And I can’t hire an organizer because I am too disorganized. I will eventually get all of these things done, on my own, and I’m adding them to my list soon.

I appreciated the honesty of that woman’s words. She had over 52 hours to realize how important getting out of there alive was to her. There are many reasons we have for wanting to live longer, and not leaving until we’re organized makes sense. I am now breathing a sigh of relief, knowing it’s not just me.


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