Last week, the owners of Ranch Brand Wine and Spirits were presented a certificate of appreciation for their support of the New Life Refuge Ministry that restores the lives of child trafficking victims.
Owner Chris Ware, who founded Ranch Brand in 2020 with West Stone, said that their company is approached daily by organizations asking for support.
“When I learned about New Life Refuge’s mission, I understood their long-lasting contribution to society. We were more than happy to help them with their work to educate the community about human trafficking and to help restore the lives of victims at their refuge.”
In January of this year, 500 supporters attended New Life’s annual fundraiser in Corpus Christi where they enjoyed wine and spirits donated by Ranch Brand.
“We have to thank Rob Barter for his suggestion to contact Chris Ware,” said Development Coordinator, Daniel Martin. “After sharing our mission with the incredibly personable Ranch Brand manager, Rob Barter, he suggested that Chris might be interested in supporting us. His intuition was spot on.”
The statistics for human trafficking in Texas are dismal. Research from The University of Texas at Austin reveals that at least 79,000 minors and youth are trafficked for sex. According to New Life Refuge, 234,000 workers are victims of labor trafficking. Traffickers exploit an estimated $600 million dollars from workers who are promised work that ends up holding people against their will in modern slavery.
Based in Corpus Christie, the New Life ministry operates two long-term residential homes where female sex trafficking survivors process their trauma with various therapeutic interventions including equine therapy. They also offer a supervised independent living village for young women who have turned 18 but still need support as they pursue higher education or employment.
In addition to the refuges they operate, the organization and its partners conduct