The children of Wimberley recently had a chance to hone their entrepreneurial skills at the latest Kid-preneur Market hosted by the Wimberley Village Library.
Organized by Teen Librarian Josie Bissett, the event provides young participants with an opportunity to explore business ownership in a fun and supportive environment. Held twice a year, during the holiday season and summer, the market continues to grow in popularity, with this year’s event featuring dozens of families.
“It’s a way for kids to get creative and think of an idea, and then they just sell,” Bissett said. “They make money and keep their own profits.”
For a $5 booth fee, which serves as a donation to the library, kids set up shop to sell their goods or services. This year’s market showcased a wide variety of businesses, including handmade crafts, baked goods, drinks, and even unique offerings like playing music, wood whittling and crochet items.
“This is probably the biggest one yet,” Bissett said. “We had everything from lemonade stands to a whittler—it’s whatever the kids can think of.”
The Kid-preneur Market, launched three years ago, has grown steadily, offering children the chance to exercise their creativity, learn responsibility, and experience the rewards of entrepreneurship.
For more information about the Kid-preneur Market or other youth programs at the Wimberley Village Library, email Josie Bissett at teenservices@wimberleylibrary. org or visit the library in